Safety and Loss Control Services

Your Partner for Safety

Safety & Loss Control for Construction Clients

Complying with established safe work practices and federal regulations isn’t only a moral and legal obligation, it is essential to remain competitive in a competitive marketplace. There has been a dramatic shift in all industries to pre-qualify suppliers, vendors, and contractors before utilizing their services. Factors such as claims history, Experience Modification Rating (EMR)*, strength of written safety programs and a variety of other considerations are now used in the prequalification process. 

Our on-staff safety professionals are here to assist in developing and implementing an effective safety and risk management program. Agency partners that take advantage of these services typically see fewer employee injuries, increased productivity, elevated sales, lower costs, and increased profitability.

* The Experience Modification Rating (EMR) is generated by either state of federal Workers’ Compensation Bureaus to determine the appropriate premium for a company considering factors such as type of work performed, claims history, and employee payrolls. The EMR can either lower or increase a company’s Workers’ Compensation Premiums depending on the factors indicated above. It is utilized as a prequalification tool to identify those companies that perform well from a safety standpoint and those that do not.

Safety Services OfferedSafety & Loss Control Consultation

  • Safety Program Review and Development
  • Early/Transitional Return-to-Work Program Development
  • Workers’ Compensation Claims Management Strategies
  • Job Site Mock OSHA Inspections
  • Loss Control Audits
  • Machine Guarding Assessments
  • OSHA 10-Hour Training Courses for Construction
  • Job Specific Hazard Analysis
  • Accident Investigations
  • Department of Transportation Compliance Consulting
  • OSHA Citation Abatement Assistance
  • Field Safety Training including forklift and aerial lift operator training
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Assessments

Cost of Services

We provide the safety services outlined above to insurance clients at no additional cost. These safety services are intended to supplement the ongoing efforts of a client’s management team.

Please contact the Brehmer Agency to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced safety professionals. 

Recommended Safety Articles

Provided are several useful resources provided by the Brehmer Agency focusing on safety in the workplace.